So, you’re checking us out.
Well, here's a little bit about our church and the people of SLC:

Spirit Life: Small church. Big heart. Big God!
At Spirit Life, we want you to feel welcome – whether checking out our site or stepping through our doors. And our next goal is for you to feel loved. Because knowing God and His love is at the heart of everything we do.
We keep it pretty simple. We want to know God – Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit. He has changed our lives, and we are continuing to be changed every day. This is a heart thing – it’s not about looking good, reciting the Bible from memory, or even about trying to live well-behaved lives. We believe that God is the one who does the work in us, as we learn who He is and what He's about.

The New Normal: Living the Spirit Life
It’s our vision to help you:
Know God and His love for you; experience healing, deliverance and freedom in your life as you grow in your relationship with Him.
Live aware of God, and be about His business always.
See the desire God has placed on your heart, live from it,
and fulfill it.
We want to lead lives growing in the Kingdom of God. And as we go about doing our “normal” – hanging out with friends, going to school, being married, raising kids, working, playing – it’s actually God walking us through life, Fathering, teaching and showing us, and loving us every step of the way. So it becomes our new normal to walk in the Kingdom and be restored, help those we love find truth and freedom, and see people healed and set free. Wow, that doesn’t sound normal at all – it sounds pretty awesome!

Relationship. That's It.
We believe it starts and ends with relationship – how we connect with God and each other. Valuing a person’s heart over being right. Not settling for lukewarm. Learning about each other as we do life together. And supporting each other in all the ins and outs and questions of life, celebrating the joys and working through the junk, as we grow in God together.
We would love to meet you! Our community includes young families with babies and littles, families with older kids and teens, young adults, empty nesters, older-and-wisers, and everything in between. Our worship is awesome – super authentic, heart felt, fun and passionate. Our programs are taking shape as our people grow. We are a small church with a big heart and an even bigger God.
For more details about how we live and believe, see our Statement of Faith.
Want to know more?
We want to introduce you to a one-in-a-million, forever kind of love. It’s the love that Father God has for us. Lots of us struggle with seeing God as Father. But that’s who He is. The Bible tells us that God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son (Jesus), to save us. To make us his own.
We want to help you meet, get to know, or reconnect with this amazing God. Send us a note.